
Last update: April 17, 1999

A star (*) beside a listing is a new listing since last update (March
14, 1999).

Note: since this file is also posted to newsgroups, I've sort of
protected it from spambots. Anytime you see a "&" in what looks like it
could be an email address, usually it should be a "@" and is marked
with "(&=@)"

This is the Net Resources section for the rec.crafts.winemaking FAQ. If
you have any additions, deletions, corrections, comments, questions or
the like, please direct them to r.c.w. or Don Buchan at malak&pobox.com

Copyright (c) 1995-1998 by Don Buchan, all rights reserved. This FAQ
may be distributed to any NEWS newsgroup, on-line service, or BBS or
by any other means otherwise (such as, but not limited to, printouts
and floppy diskettes) as long as:

A) it is posted in its entirety, including the following credits, the
date noted above, and includes this copyright statement, and
B) no fee is charged to anyone
  i) downloading this file beyond nominal online fees, or
 ii) receiving the information beyond nominal format charges.

This FAQ may not be distributed for financial gain. This FAQ may not be
included in commercial collections or compilations without express
permission from Don Buchan (malak&pobox.com (&=@))

If you have anything to add, please email Don Buchan at malak&pobox.com

The following are a collection of net resources related to wine, beer,
mead, spirits, other beverages and other resources connected thereto.
While many are directly related to winemaking, many are not necessarily
directly related to winemaking itself, but are there on the presumption
that at least some winemakers may be interested in them, as well
brewers and anyone who comes across this FAQ.

Many of the following listings have been field tested at least once by
OCCASIONALLY CHECK THE LIST. To be a field tester, all you need to do
is to occasionally sit down and surf these sites, and direct any
errors, corrections, inactive sites, and of course NEW sites to r.c.w.
or Don Buchan at malak&pobox.com (&=@)


WWW means World Wide Web. Enter the site into your web client (such as
Netscape or Internet Explorer.)

ANFTP means anonymous FTP. In Netscape or Internet Explorer, enter
the whole address. In an independant ftp client, enter the address
between the "ftp://" and the first "/" into the site/server slot, and
the rest after this into the "remote directory" slot. Login as
"anonymous", and give your full email ID as the password.

NEWS means newsgroups. Type "news://" in front of the group in
Netscape or MSIE. Use "Subscribe" in the option menu. In a separate
news client, find the "subscribe" option in the "group" (or other)

IRC means internet Relay Chat. Open your IRC client and type "/join"
and the channel (with the #).

EMAIL means email. Write a message to that address (either as per
instructions or send a regular message.)

Gopher means gopher. Enter the address as written into Netscape or
MSIE. If you know how to use a dedicated Gopher client, you've been on
the net as long as I have.


NEWS:  news://rec.crafts.winemaking
IRC:   IRC://#winemaking (if empty, keep the channel active for a
       while to let others join in -- also try the following servers:
       irc2.epix.net, irc-2.texas.net, irc.colorado.edu, irc.umn.edu,
       irc.primenet.com or go to a DALnet server)
WWW:   http://www.pobox.com/~malak/rcw.faq (the most recent copy of
       the rec.crafts.winemaking FAQ)
WWW:   http://nanaimo.ark.com/~jziebart/so2faq.html (RCW sulphite FAQ)
WWW:   http://www.pobox.com/~malak/mailwine.zip (various questions
       about winemaking which I've answered over the years)
WWW:   http://www.pobox.com/~malak/resource.html (the most recent
       copy of this listing)
WWW:   http://library.wustl.edu/~bird/wine/wineres.html (the
       hyperized version of this list: THANK YOU MIKE PELIKAN!)
WWW:   http://www.pobox.com/~malak/sources (Reviews of various books
       on winemaking)
WWW:   http://www.pobox.com/~malak/guide.html (Don Buchan's Wine &
       Stuff page)
WWW:   http://www.pobox.com/~malak/kits (Don's kit winemaking primer)
WWW:   http://www.uidaho.edu/~stevep/wine/winehome.html (Steve
       Penoncello's wine page)
WWW:   http://www.glaurung.demon.co.uk/wine/
WWW:   http://www.aob.org/aob/teach.html
 (How to teach a homebrewing
WWW:   http://www.winetitles.com.au (an extensive list of winemaking
       and viticulture books)
WWW:   http://www.sentex.net/~bacchus (a page talking about a video
       called "Making Wine", a how-to video)
WWW:   http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/parade/nf83 (julie's Brewery
       -- how to's and recipes)
WWW:   http://www.ellisweb.com/gazette/editoria/homebrew/wine.html
       (recipes and tips)
WWW:   http://www3.nbnet.nb.ca/calcon (John and Kathy's wine and beer
WWW:   http://www.hidden-knowledge.com/JoyOfWine (The Joy of Home
WWW:   http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/rdsmith/index.html (The Vintner's
       cellar; links, tips, recipes)
WWW:   http://www.mono.org/~ritchie/wine/begin.html (basic
WWW:   http://www.btinternet.com/~nick/wine/index.html (Nick Truman's
       Wine Making Guide)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/napavalley/8280 (This is an excellent
WWW:   http://www.cintek.com/~dfarrell/passingwind.html (The Passing
       Wind Estate Wine Making Page)
WWW:   http://www.cyberus.ca/~chorniak (micro winery page)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/realm/4131/chafud1.txt
       (basic winemaking process)
WWW:   http://www.cgocable.net/~bacchus/Wine/winepg2.html (Paul's Page)
WWW:   http://home.att.net/~lumeisenman/
WWW:   http://www.wineart.com/taste/forum/ (web winemaking forum)
WWW:   http://www3.nf.sympatico.ca/phumber/ (Basics, covers all aspects)
WWW: * http://www.techplus.com/ralph/home/beer.htm (homemade beer & wine


ANFTP: ftp://ftp.cam.org/users/malak/wine (Don's FTP site for wine
       recipes and the like)
WWW:   http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/chris_browning (Chris
       Browning's Home winemaking UK)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/5670 (khalua and others)
WWW:   http://www.btinternet.com/~nick/wine/ (orange and others)
WWW:   http://gunther.simplenet.com/liqueurs.htm (homemade liqueur
WWW:   http://www.btinternet.com/~nick/wine/index.html (A REALLY great
       site with a recipe archive that is as good as
       ftp://ftp.cam.org/users/malak/wine/ )
WWW:   http://www.deter.com/flora/mxp/drinks/index.html (Liqueurs)
WWW:   http://www.voicenet.com/~hhenry/Food&Drink/winercp.html (Wine
       from frozen grapejuice)
WWW:   http://www.mygale.org/00/gilde/ (recettes de vins de fruits) (in
WWW:   http://homepages.tesco.net/~Steven.Wheeler/recipes.htm (country


LIST:  mead-request@talisman.com (mead@talisman.com to contribute
       articles only)
WWW:   http://www.tiac.net/users/drbeer/BeesLees.txt (The Bee's Lees,
       an online mead recipe book)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/Paris/1265/index.html (the Meadery)
WWW:   http://www.wic.net/cpa/mead (Rocky Mountain Meadery)
WWW:   http://www.alcasoft.com/renfrow/ (mead & ginger beer recipes as
       well as links to many more wine, beer, & cider sites)
ANFTP: ftp://ftp.spies.com/Library/Article/Food/mead.rcp
GOPHER: gopher://wiretap.spies.com/WiretapOnlineLibrary/Articles/
ANFTP: ftp://ftp.stanford.edu/pub/clubs/homebrew/mead
WWW:   http://www.atd.ucar.edu/rdp/gfc/mead/mead.html (The Mead Maker's
       Home Page)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/7069/meadmanl.htm
       (mead making handbook)


WWW:   http://sun1.bham.ac.uk/GraftonG/cider/homepage.htm (cider)
ANFTP: http://sun1.bham.ac.uk/GraftonG/cider/homepage.htm (The Real
       Cider and Perry Page)
WWW:   http://www.teleport.com/~incider (Ciderspace)
LIST:  cider-request@talisman.com (the cider list; send your email ID
       to them)
LIST:  cider-request@x.org (send your name & email address)
ANFTP: ftp://ftp.stanford.edu/pub/clubs/homebrew/cider


WWW:   http://www.bev.net/users/homepages/wenrich (Wenrich's beer page)
WWW:   http://www.dna.lth.se/home/kurt/rcb.faq (the rec.crafts.brewing
NEWS:  news://rec.crafts.brewing
ANFTP: ftp://ftp.stanford.edu/pub/clubs/homebrew/beer
WWW:   http://www.tcel.com/~gobrew (The Brew on Premise Page)
WWW:   http://onlinesu.com/byob/ (Brew your own Beverages)
WWW:   http://leebrewery.com/beermath.htm (brewery calculator)


WWW:   http://www.kingestate.com/lorane.htm (Lorane Grapevines)
WWW:   http://www.alcasoft.com/pense/ (Pense Nurseries)
WWW:   http://www.rakgrape.com (Double-A Vineyards)
WWW:   http://www.dripirrigation.com (Vine irrigation)
WWW:   http://www.wwwinecellar.com/celler-catala/vinyards.html (planting
       and grafting vines)
WWW:   http://www.novavine.com/ (NovaVine Grapevine Nurseries)
WWW:   http://www.sonomagrape.com/ (Sonoma Grapevine Inc.)
WWW:   http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/hort/g06090.htm
       (grape training systems & pruning techniques)
WWW: * http://www.hevanet.com/lonrom (vine cuttings)
WWW: * http://www.riojalta.com/ra_book3.html (grape growing book)


WWW:   http://www.lallemand.com (Lallemand Inc., a Montreal, Canada
       producer of quality yeast products)
ANFTP: ftp://sierra.stanford.edu/pub/homebrew/ (FAQs on yeast & hops)
WWW:   http://www.wyeastlab.com/ (Wyeast Labs)


WWW:   http://www.4th-vine.com (for some artwork & stuff for labels)
WWW:   http://www.morebeer.com/labels (Sundown Labels)
WWW:   http://www.labelware.ca (Wine & beer labelling software)
WWW:   http://www2.nomius.com/~cms/ (Winemaking, the hobby, has label
       art and links)
WWW:   http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/rdsmith/vwlog.htm
WWW:   http://www.ij.net/wineman
WWW:   http://www.dataforce.com/MontereySpecialty
WWW:   http://shell.idt.net/~labels/
WWW:   http://home1.gte.net/wineman
WWW:   http://cgswww.adl.hort.csiro.au/cgs_ampelography/ (Grape
WWW:   http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/labeler
WWW:   http://www.stratsplace.com/
WWW:   http://www.labelware.ca
WWW:   http://www.daly.com/customer/nih2/15272487.htm (Incredible
WWW:   http://homepages.force9.net/edmonds/wine.htm
WWW:   http://desktoppub.miningco.com/msublabels.htm (label software
WWW: * http://www.rippedsheets.com (labels)


WWW:   http://www.winsite.com/pc/win3/pim (get the files
       "wvlog141.zip" and "wvlog142.zip"
WWW:   http://www.winetech.com (Robert Parker's Wine Advisor and
       Cellar Manager)
WWW:   http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/rdsmith/vwlog.htm
WWW:   http://ds.dial.pipex.com/eramm/hopsvine.htm
WWW:   http://www.collectware.com (to download a demo of "Cellar!"
WWW:   http://www.cellarsavant.simplenet.com/DownLoad.htm
WWW:   http://www.tastebase.iinet.net.au (TasteBase, a program for
       managing your tasting notes of various wines.)
WWW:   http://perso.wanadoo.fr/philippe.querrec/jeroboam.zip (Jeroboam
       v2.01: Wine cellar management)
WWW: * http://ds.dial.pipex.com/eramm/hopsvine.shtml (wine & beermaking


WWW:   http://members.iquest.net/~ericg/ferment.html
EMAIL: Send mail to ericg&indiana.edu (&=@) asking for the simple
       fermented beverages guide.


EMAIL: Send mail to majordomo@ee.pdx.edu and put "subscribe wine" in
       the message body. 
EMAIL: CANWINE (canwine-request@his.com) for Canadian wines 
EMAIL: FOODWINE (listserv@cmuvm.csv.cmich.edu) for mainly food and some
EMAIL: OZWINE (ozwine-request@gospel.iinet.net.au) for Australian and
       New Zealand wines -- "subscribe" in the BODY, no subject
EMAIL: pfalzfreunde@zeus3.mzes.uni-mannheim.de (about Palatinate wines
       -- a region in southwest of Germany)  Send email with the word
       "Subscribe" in the subject line
WWW:   http://www.nzwine.com/email/list/index.html (New Zealand Wines)
EMAIL: majordomo@nzwine.com (send a message and in the body type:
       subscribe nzwine your_email_address)
EMAIL: majordomo@bds.com.au with the following as the body of the
       message: "subscribe wine" (without the quotes) Posting to the
       list, once you are subscribed, is done by sending email to
       wine&bds.com.au (&=@)
WWW:   http://www.webms.net/ev/ (Estes Vineyards newsletter)
EMAIL: info@homecraft.on.ca 
WWW:   http://www.homecraft.on.ca
EMAIL: VITICULTURE made up of growers or teachers. To subscribe, send
       an e-mail message to LISTSERV@MAIL.ORST.EDU and in the first line
       of the message say SUBSCRIBE VITICULTURE
WWW:   http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/lcbo (information about wines
       available in Ontario)
EMAIL: winemaking@onelist.com (winemaking email list)


WWW:   http://www.teleport.com/~grick/herbs_spice/winemaking.html
       (spice & herb winemaking kits)
WWW:   http://www.larsen.co.uk (larson wines UK supplies, wines,
       homebrew stuff)
WWW:   http://sun1.bham.ac.uk/GraftonG/homebrew.htm (UK & Continental
       Europe suppliers)
EMAIL: wineart&veccon.on.ca (&=@) (Wine Art, a Canadian supplier of
       quality winemaking supplies)
WWW:   http://hbd.org/brewery/infobase/supplierlist/ (A Supplier List
       regarding beer, wine, mead, and cider)
WWW:   http://www.wineart.com (Wine Art, a Canadian supplier of quality
       winemaking supplies)
WWW:   http://www.internetnow.com/stpats/ (St. Patrick's Austin, a
       homebrew supplier)
WWW:   http://www.hatfields-mccoys.com (Hatfields & McCoys)
WWW:   http://www.albany.net/~brew/bulkcat.html
WWW:   http://www.homebrewadventures.com
WWW:   http://www.albany.net/~brew/bulkcat.html
WWW:   http://www.hoptech.com
WWW:   http://www.grapeandgranary.com (The Grape and Granary)
WWW:   http://www.stpats.com (St. Patrick's of Texas)
WWW:   http://www.hhog.com/arbor (Arbor Wine and Beermaking Supplies)
WWW:   http://www.llkraemer.com (L.L. Kraemer Co.)
WWW:   http://www.chateau.nl
WWW:   http://www.wine-making.com (Vineco International Products)
WWW:   http://moose.erie.net/~prwc/
WWW:   http://www.lgpc.com/pdrod03.htm (Little Giant Pump Page, where
       you can get food grade pumps)
WWW:   http://www.cooperage.com (barrel information)
WWW:   http://www.demptos.fr/ (Demptos Barrels)
WWW:   http://www.hps.com/Products/VonKlopp/ (a brewing supplies
WWW:   http://sun1.bham.ac.uk/GraftonG/homebrew.htm (UK supplies)
WWW:   http://www.kamiljuices.com (Kamil Juices, a Guelph, Ont. company
       that imports pure fresh European vinifera grape juices)
WWW:   http://www.vinexpert.com/ (the Reseau Vinexpert homepage)
WWW:   http://www.ravenna.com/sams/ (Sam's Warehouse, in Chicago)
WWW:   http://winemakershop.com (The Winemaker Shop)
WWW:   http://www.cybsol.com/winenhop/ (winemaking supplies)
WWW:   http://virtumall.com/EastCoastBrewing/ECBMain.html (East Coast
       Brewing Supply's page)
WWW:   http://www.vintnersdomain.ottawa.on.ca (Vintner' Domain Home
       Page, Ottawa, Canada)
WWW:   http://wine.com/nfs/ (Napa Fermentation Supplies)
WWW:   http://www.vineco.on.ca/ (Vineco International Products)
WWW:   http://www.cadvision.com/homevintner/ (The Home Vintner Home
WWW:   http://www.gaptech.com/winesupply
WWW:   http://www.spagnols.com
WWW:   http://www.corksupplyusa.com/ (Cork suppliers)
WWW:   http://www.winemine.com
WWW:   http://www.reap.org.nz/~rayt/moonsh~1.html (Moonshine Supplies)
WWW:   http://www.vinotheque.net (Vinotheque kits)
WWW:   http://www.mostimondiale.com (Mosti Mondiale Musts)
WWW:   http://www.williamsbrewing.com
WWW:   http://www.publiconline.com/~semplex/ (Simplex of USA, in
       Minneapolis, MN)
WWW:   http://www.homebrewheaven.com (Homebrew Heaven)
WWW:   http://www.cellar-homebrew.com (The Cellar Homebrew, Seattle, WA)
WWW:   http://users.southeast.net/~judy (Judy's Homebrew Shoppe,
WWW:   http://www.wine-art.com
WWW:   http://www.signaturewines.on.ca
WWW:   http://www.the-home-brew-shop.co.uk
WWW:   http://www.jfs.pt (cork suppliers)
WWW:   http://perso.wanadoo.fr/kafim (vins et verres de Frances) (wines
       & glasses from France)
WWW:   http://www.crosby-baker.com (Crosby & Baker Ltd.)
WWW:   http://www.musca.com (juice suppliers)
WWW:   http://www.doublesprings.com (Double Springs Homebrew Supplies)
WWW:   http://www.hopsanddreams.com (Hops & Dreams Homebrewing)
WWW:   http://members.xoom.com/kovinox/ (Equipment for a small vineyard)
WWW:   http://www.rcbequip.com (River City Beverage Fermentation
WWW:   http://ubrewit.com (U-Brew Beer & Wine & Supplies)
WWW:   http://www.brewstation.com/ (beer supplies)
WWW:   http://www.countrywines.com
WWW:   http://www.telusplanet.net/public/finevine (The Fine Vine, Red
       Deer, Alberta)
WWW:   http://www.e-brew.com/ (Alternative Beverage)
WWW:   http://www.brewerylane.com (Brewery Lane, a Newfoundland secure
WWW:   http://www.hhog.com/arbor (Arbor wine and beer supplies)
WWW:   http://www.bacchus-barleycorn.com/ (Bacchus & Barleycorn,
       Shawnee, Kansas)
WWW:   http://www.vinetowine.com (The Vintner's Marketplace, homebrew
WWW:   http://www.beer-wine.com/ (Beer and Wine Hobby, Woburn,
WWW:   http://www.homebrewshop.com (Karp's Homebrew, East Northport, New
WWW: * http://www.abccork.com (Winemaking supplies wholesalers)


WWW:   http://www.tiac.net/users/qrwinc/ (QRC, a wine magazine)
WWW:   http://www.globalserve.net/~cybercom/betterwine (Better
       Winemaking Magazine)
WWW:   http://www.singertech.com/winezine/ (WineZine)
WWW:   http://smartwine.com (Wine Business Monthly)
WWW:   http://winebiz.com (Wine Business Monthly)
WWW:   http://www.harpers-wine.com (Wine & Spirits trade journals)
WWW:   http://realbeer.com/byo (How to Homebrew Magazine)
WWW:   http://www.tiac.net/users/qrwinc (Quarterly Review of Wines)
WWW:   http://www.2way.com/food/wine (American Wine on the Net)
WWW:   http://www.winespectator.com (Wine Spectator OnLine)
WWW:   http://users.skynet.be/osiris (in Belgian?)
WWW:   http://wineserver.ucdavis.edu/ASEV/ASEV7.html (American Society
       for Enology and Viticulture)
WWW:   http://www.winestate.com.au (Australia's National Wine Magazine)
WWW:   http://www.winezine.net/ (e-zine on wine)
WWW: * http://www.wineclub.co.nz (New Zealand WineClub)


WWW:   http://www.give.com/wine.html (the wine page)
WWW:   http://www.speakeasy.org/~winepage/cellar/cellar.html (the
       cellar -- wine FAQ and tasting notes)
WWW:   http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~peru/german_wine.html (german
WWW:   http://www.vins-bordeaux.fr/ (Wines from Bordeaux, France)
WWW:   http://www.ulysses.it/map/docreg_e.html (Italian wines)
WWW:   http://www.valuenet.com/ (Californian Wines)
WWW:   http://www.on.net/clients/winetitles/wineonline.html
       (Australian wines)
WWW:   http://www.aztec.co.za/biz/africa/wine.htm (South African wines)
WWW:   http://www.ijs.si/wine_uvod.html (Slovenian wines)
WWW:   http://fp.members.castles.com/boulden/ (The Wine Link)
WWW:   http://www.speakeasy.org/~winepage/cellar/wgg.html (A glossary
       of wine terms)
WWW: http://www.clinet.fi/studio/hannu/english/enter_my_wine_cellar.htm
       ("Wine of the week" selections by an amateur wine taster)
WWW:   http://www.hdcity.com/oakbarrel/ (wine and food guide)
WWW:   http://www.austrian.wine.co.at/wine/index.html (Austrian wines,
       in German and English)
WWW:   http://seaborg.nmu.edu/cw/wine.html (wine FAQs)
WWW:   http://www.arq.net/db/oenology/ (the oenology database)
WWW:   http://www.aawine.com/index2.html (All about wine)
WWW:   http://www.hdcity.com/oakbarrel/ (wine and food guide)
WWW:   http://www.2ainfo.it/lombardini (Italian wines)
WWW:   http://www.americaswines.com
WWW:   http://www.iglou.com/why/wine.html (Robin Garr's Wine Bargain
       Page) Please note that this is actually a consumer-oriented page
       and has no affiliation whatsoever with any sponsor. Robin pays
       for all of the wine tasted. Discussion board.
WWW:   http://www.virtualvin.com (A great page talking about wines,
       ratings, how they pair up with food, and so on. An online
WWW:   http://www.wine.com/wine (information on various wineries &
       international wines)
WWW:   http://www.tenthmuse.com/premier/cru.html (wines and reviews)
WWW:   http://zeus3.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/wwwboard (about Palatinate
       wines -- a region in southwest of Germany)
WWW:   http://www.australianwines.com.au/ (on Australian wines)
EMAIL: cmax&aimsweb.com (&=@) (Salvano wines)
WWW:   http://www.aimsweb.com/INFOWINE/LECANTINE/salvano/ (Salvano
WWW:   http://www.addgr.com/wine/manessis (Greek wines)
WWW:   http://www.eat-and-drink.com (Palate Partners -- a food and wine
       of the month club)
WWW:   http://w4u.eexi.gr/~oinos (Greek wines, in Greek, French and
WWW:   http://www.chileweb.net/wines (Chilean Wines)
WWW:   http://gsvi.com/ (GSV International)
WWW:   http://www1.tip.nl/~t194809/ (Dutch wines, in Dutch)
WWW:   http://aimsweb.com/INFOWINE/ (Italian wine, in Italian)
WWW:   http://www.stratsplace.com/ (Strat's Place)
WWW:   http://www.verbinden.com/Carnuntum/Netzl (Austrian Wines)
WWW:   http://www.portuguesewine.com (Portuguese wines)
WWW:   http://www.burgundy-today.com (burgundy wines)
WWW:   http://www.tsai.es/pymes/la_bodeguilla (Spanish Wines)
WWW:   http://www.french-market.com/rozes (Wines from Southern France)
WWW:   http://www.kingestate.com/lorane.htm (Lorane Grapevines)
WWW:   http://www.verbinden.com/Carnuntum/Netzl/eindex.htm (Austrian
WWW:   http://www.filewine.es (Spanish Wines)
WWW:   http://csiutx.csi.it/~piemonte/agri/agri_ser.html (Regione
       Piemonte's pages dedicated to the wines and wineries of Piedmont
       the Italian region where Barolo, Barbaresco, Nebbiolo, Dolcetto,
       Gattinara, Carema, etc. are produced.)
WWW:   http://www.compcom.com/wines/gippwine.htm (The Gippsland region
       on the Southernmost tip of mainland Australia)
WWW:   http://www.addgr.com/wine/manessis (Greek wines)
WWW:   http://www.ip.pt/Wines-Portugal-GDM (Portuguese wines)
WWW:   http://www.agriline.it/wol (Information on Italian Wines and
       Italian Wine producers)
WWW:   http://www.cdromshop.com/cdr/cdshop/ibm/cat12.html (CD-ROMs on
       Food and Wine for the PC)
WWW:   http://www.cdromshop.com/cdr/cdshop/mac/cat12.html (CD-ROMs on
       Food and Wine for the Mac)
WWW:   http://www.dubrana.com (Chateau du Brana, Bordeaux, France)
WWW:   http://www.supergids.be/rubriek/wijnen (belgian wines)
WWW:   http://www.asker.com/sevdar (eastern Croatian wines)
WWW:   http://www.vins-du-troubadour.tm.fr (Les Vins du Troubadour -- a
       wine sales association)
WWW:   http://www.Retzer-Land.co.at/wein/winzer/himmelbauer.html
       (Austrian wines, in German)
WWW:   http://moet.com/ (Moet winery)
WWW:   http://www.lilibeo.com/indeng.html (Marsala wine)
WWW:   http://vinsider.home.ml.org/ (in Danish)
WWW:   http://perso.wanadoo.fr/la.cave.d.antoine (La Cave d'Antoine --
       French Wines)
WWW:   http://www.wxuli.edu.cn/wine/umain.htm (chinese wine production)
WWW:   http://www.sake.com (The Sake Web page)
WWW:   http://www.hr/wine (Croatian Wines)


NEWS:  news://rec.food.drink.beer  
NEWS:  news://alt.beer  
WWW:   http://www.realbeer.com/


WWW:   http://www.wchat.on.ca/public/wonderwine/index.htm (a page on
       "Wonder Wine", an inexpensive wine kit starting from dehydrated
WWW:   http://www.cyberstation.fr/Win_Some (Chateau Jardinet, Bordeaux
       wines, imports & exports)
WWW:   http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wbw (UK-based,
       independent wine service "Wine by Wire")
WWW:   http://www.WineOnNet.com (Bordeaux wines, ordering, etc.)
WWW:   http://www.wineweb.com/ (WineWeb, a listing of wineries, wines
       available and their descriptions, and order forms.)
WWW:   http://www.brunswickmicro.nb.ca/netsmart/brewtique (A catalog
       with lots of wine stuff)
WWW:   http://www.bibendum-wine.co.uk (Bibendum Wine, a UK wine
WWW:   http://www.webstore.fr/vin (Fine wines for sale)
WWW:   http://www.redcarpetwine.com (online wine ordering, wine
WWW:   http://jonker.club.tip.nl/VINIFINS.htm (Dutch Wine Sellers)
WWW:   http://members.aol.com/OWSOechsle (Winetrading South Africa in
WWW:   http://www.hwbta.org (Home wine and beer trade association)
WWW:   http://www.cellarmasters.com (Cellar Masters of America)
WWW:   http://www.fra.fr/cybercellar/ (Anjou Wine and Gift Shop)
WWW:   http://autre-regard.alienor.fr/ (Autre-Regard, merchants in
       organic wines (in French))
WWW:   http://www.iwnco.com (International Wine Network)
WWW:   http://www.french-market.com/herbault/index.htm (Sarl G. 
       Herbault Wine of France)
WWW:   http://www.frenchwine.co.uk (The French Wine Collection)
WWW:   http://www.btinternet.com/~chateauxwines/index.htm (Chateaux
WWW:   http://www.pavillon-chateaux.fr (Le Pavillon des Chateaux) (in
       French -- En francais)
WWW:   http://www.winehouse-sf.com (wine merchants)
WWW:   http://www.topvin.com (french wines) (in French -- en francais)
WWW:   http://www.supergids.be/dewijnkar (in German)
WWW:   http://www.riesling-wein.de/ (in German)
WWW:   http://www.hitimewine.com (retail wine store Costa Mesa
WWW: * http://www.grap.com (Loire Valley Wines) (in French)
WWW: * http://www.spiritscorner.com (Distilled spirits) (in Spanish)


WWW:   http://www.nywine.com (New York State Wine and Grape
WWW:   http://www.scvwga.com/Association/whoarewe.html (Santa Clara
       Valley Wine Growers Association)
WWW:   http://www2.bitstream.net/~m_hedin/mgga.html (Minnesota Grape
       Grower's Association)


WWW:   http://www.give.com/wine.html (the wine page)
WWW:   http://www.gisborne.co.nz/wine/index.html (gisborne homepage)
WWW:   http://www.nzwine.com (new zealand wineries)
WWW:   http://www.canwine.com (Canadian wines)
WWW:   http://www.niagara.com/hopelham/ (Henry of Pelham Family Winery)
WWW:   http://www.portagehills.com/portage/ (Portage Hills Winery)
WWW:   http://vader.castles.com/boulden (New Wine Industry Job
       listings, More to Wineries)
WWW:   http://www.visualidentity.com/parducci/parducci.html (Parducci
WWW:   http://www.lecole.com (Lecole #41 Winery)
WWW:   http://www.raptoridge.com (Raptor Ridge Winery)
WWW:   http://homes.earthlink.net/~damin/ (Estes Vineyards)
WWW: (The Franciscan
       Oakville Estate, a premium Napa Valley estate-based winery.
       Visitors can view details about the winery, peruse the portfolio
       of wines, meet the winemaker, join the wine club, or place wine
       orders directly to the winery.)
WWW:   http://www.dchandon.com/dchvg.html (Domaine Chandon, in
       California. Manager at zachb&napanet.net (&=@) will take all
       questions regarding home winemaking and grape growing.)
WWW:   http://www.uni-mainz.de/~sebav001/welcome.html (a German winery;
       in German)
WWW:   http://www.cambriawine.com/ (The Cambria Winery)
WWW:   http://www.aimsweb.com/INFOWINE/LECANTINE/ (a listing of
WWW:   http://home.-t-online.de/home/Jordan-Wine/e_index.htm (Jordan
       and Jordan Winery)
WWW:   http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JORDAN_JORDAN_WINE
       (Jordan and Jordan Winery)
WWW:   http://www.bullyhill.com (Bully Hill Vinyards)
WWW:   http://www.cadvision.com/tallya/ (Tallya Estate Winery)
WWW:   http://www.mt-pleasantwines.com (Mt. Pleasant Winery)
WWW:   http://www.uni-mainz.de/~sebav000 (CYBERWINGERT Vinyards)
WWW:   http://www.interport.net/~rugosa/gabriell.html (Gabrielli
WWW:   http://www.tcsn.net/cougarridge/ (cougar Ridge Winery)
WWW:   http://www.newjerseywines.com/ (New Jersey Wineries)
WWW:   http://vintners.net/wawine (Mike L.'s Guide to Washinton
WWW:   http://www.biltmore.com (Biltmore Estate Winery)
WWW:   http://www.clatters.demon.co.uk/rosemary.htm (Rosemary Vineyard)
WWW:   http://www.piltonwines.com (Pilton Manor Vineyard UK)
WWW:   http://www.clospepe.com (Clos Pepe Vineyards)
WWW:   http://www.whitehallvineyards.com (White Hall Vineyards)
WWW:   http://www.hvwine.com (Horton Vineyards)


WWW:   http://www.pacifier.com/store/classic/classic1.html
       (information on "Classic Wine Racks")
WWW:   http://www.wineracks-unlimited.com
WWW:   http://www.koolspace.com
WWW:   http://www.climacaves.com (climate controlled wine storage --
       in Spanish)


WWW:   http://www.interlog.com/~mmarino/
WWW:   http://www.mcs.net/~rallen/galoots/coopering/html/index.html
WWW:   http://www.monticello.org/Matters/industries/coopers.html
WWW:   http://countrylife.net/offthegrid/forum2/4997.html
WWW:   http://www.louislatour.com/html/coopering.html
WWW:   http://www.cooperage.com


WWW:   http://www.trchristian.com/stemwar1.htm (selecting a wine glass)
WWW:   http://www.tucson.com/clarkdale/lookma (personalised wine
       glasses and champagne flutes)
WWW:   http://www.teleport.com/~wineman/articles.htm (the articles that
        ~wineman has contributed to r.c.w.)
WWW:   http://www.servicom.es/food_brokers (a corkscrew)
WWW:   http://www.wine-lovers-page.com/grapes.htm (Wine grape glossary)
WWW:   http://www.bella-italia.com/gondola/ and click kitchenware
       category ('Campagnolo' corkscrew)
WWW:   http://www.wine-tours.com/ (Wine Tours)
WWW:   http://www.cruvinetsys.com (Cruvinet Business Systems -- wine
       dispensing systems)
WWW:   http://silcon.com/~rvwvn/pressa.htm (plans for a cider press)
WWW:   http://www.winelaw.org/ (Wine laws for production in the US)
WWW:   http://www.wine-storage.com (The Wine Cave, a cave used for
       storage of fine wines & spirits)
WWW:   http://dit1.state.va.us/loudoun/agdev/bv.htm (Office of
       Agricultural Development Loudoun County, Virginia)
WWW:   http://www.panservice.it/aziende/petrillo (Used & reconditioned
       oenological equipment)
WWW:   http://www.ars-grin.gov/gen/grape.html (grape information)


WWW:   http://www.lafn.org/community/cellarmasters
WWW:   http://earth.tan.it.com.au/%7Etanoonpo/pwc.html (Perth
       Winemaking Club)
WWW:   http://nanaimo.ark.com/~jziebart/index.html (British Columbia
       Amateur Winemakers' Association -- Loads of info on all sorts
       of winemaking topics!)
WWW:   http://freespace.virgin.net/roger.simmonds/homepage.htm
       (Homemade Wine)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/1296/ (Winemaking And
       Viticulture Enthusiasts Society (WAVES) of Dallas)
WWW:   http://www.ensta.fr/~oinos/ (Francois Rabelais Wine Club, in
WWW:   http://www.vicon.net/~aws (The American Wine Society)
WWW:   http://www.makewine.com (The Amateur Winemakers of Ontario)
WWW:   http://www.ocws.org (Orange County Wine Society)
WWW:   http://www.bcwine.com/vawa/ (British Columbia Guild of Wine
WWW:   http://duke.usask.ca/~alexson/sbbhp/jan96nl.htm (Saskatoon Berry
       Brewer's newsletter)
WWW:   http://members.xoom.com/EDHW (El Dorado Wine Makers)


WWW:   http://wineserver.ucdavis.edu/ (University of California at
       Davis' wine site)
WWW:   http://www.univ-montp3.fr/ (l'Universite Paul Valery, in France)
WWW:   http://www.agr.state.nc.us/markets/commodit/horticul/grape/
       (North Carolina Department of Agriculture Division of Marketing)
WWW:   http://www.csu.edu.au/research/rpcgwr/winery.htm (Charles Sturt
       University Winery)
WWW:   http://www.vaes.vt.edu/winchester/faculty/wolf/wolf.html
       (Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station)
WWW: * http://osu.orst.edu/dept/infonet/ (Oregon State University) (info
       on berries & grapes)


WWW:   http://www.wine-tours.com/winelnks.html
WWW:   http://www.arq.net/oenology/
WWW:   http://www.hr/wine/link
WWW:   http://www.smartwine.com
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/5670/pagewi01.html
WWW:   http://www.aimsweb.com/INFOWINE/winelink.htm
WWW:   http://www.netins.net/showcase/fujiwine (The Fuji Winepage,
       talking about Wines on the Net)
WWW:   http://www.wines.com (WineTrader Magazine Online Home Page)
WWW:   http://wine.net/ (Wine Net)
WWW:   http://www.winebase.com.au/oznzlink.htm (Australian Wine Pages)
WWW:   http://www1.tpgi.com.au/users/harris/anzwinys.htm (Australian
       Wine Pages)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/Vineyard/1762/wine.html
       (Paul's World)
WWW:   http://www.vine2wine.com/ (world wide wine links)
WWW:   http://www.csu.edu.au/stupatch/csuwine/link.htm
WWW: (random wine links)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Maison/4844 (vineyard directory)
WWW:   http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/Vineyard/1762/wine.html (wine
       web ring)
WWW:   http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=hwmwr;list (wine web
WWW:   http://www.drinkeatandbemerry.com/newpage4.html (virginia wines)


"Eno-chat" In the food & beverage section. A discussion group devoted
       to larger scale issues in winemaking. Frequented by pro
       winemakers & grape growers, but others are welcome.


The "Grapes and Winemaking" section of the Bacchus Wine Forum


WWW:   http://www.winellc.com/
WWW:   http://www.wine-lovers-page.com/forum/general
       (ICQ ID's)
WWW:   http://www.cgocable.net/~bacchus/icq/icqwine.html (ICD ID's)
WWW:   http://www.webflies.com/Hobbies_and_Interests/Brewing/Wine/
WWW:   http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/redwine (Yahoo! winemaking club)

Drinks in general:

NEWS:  news://rec.food.drink  
NEWS:  news://alt.food.wine  
NEWS:  news://alt.zima (low traffic)
NEWS:  news://alt.bacchus  
WWW:   http://www.scotchwhisky.com (history of scotch & whisky)
WWW:   http://www.glenmorangie.com (Glenmorangie Distillery)
WWW:   http://www.glenoradistillery.com (Glenora Distillery)
WWW:   http://www.barmeister.com (drink recipes)

FAQ's in general:

ANFTP: ftp://rtfm.mit.edu
NEWS:  news://news.answers contains the most FAQ's  
NEWS:  *.answers contain FAQ's. Many hierarchies have such a group;
       explore by changing the "*" variable to the hierarchy name. 
GOPHER: gopher://gopher.physics.utoronto.ca (FAQ's via rtfm.mit.edu)

(*) While these newsgroups discuss wines, beers, spirits and the like,
(or in some cases not at all), they DO NOT discuss their home
production. If you post questions relating to your home production,
you may be politely or not so politely directed toward the appropriate